DOMAS Resources

Here, you can find the resources and publications that can help you in your future work! We invite you to read the publications or materials and if you have any information or feedback, it is more than welcome. We invite you to write feedback on the publications to Also, we would be glad to hear from you if and how did you use these materials in your everyday practice!

Summary and Recommendations - Echoes of the Digital Age (overview of results for all countries)
Summary and Recommendationis - Echoes of the Digital Age (owerview of Croatian results)
Summary and Recommendationis - Echoes of the Digital Age (owerview of Portugese results)
Research "Echoes of the Digital Age" in English Language
Research "Echoes of the Digital Age" in Croatian language
Research "Echoes of the Digital Age" in Estonian language
Research in "Echoes of the Digital Age" Portugese language
Handbook “Exploring Youth work for career management with different abilities’ youngsters”
Priručnik „Istraživanje rada s mladima za upravljanje karijerom mladih s različitim sposobnostima“
Curriculum “Empowering youth workers for quality youth work for career management with different abilities’ youngsters”
Kurikulum „Osnaživanje osoba koje rade s mladima za kvalitetan rad s mladima za upravljanje karijerom mladih s različitim sposobnostima“
Toolkit “Mentoring and supporting youngsters with different abilities for career planning and management”
Knjiga alata „Mentoriranje i podrška mladima s različitim sposobnostima za planiranje i upravljanje karijerom“
E-learning course “Career planning and management course for youngsters with different abilities”
E-learning "Planiranje i upravljanje karijerom za mlade s različitim sposobnostima"
Handbook "Entrepreneurial Mind-set development within adult education"
Priručnik "Razvoj poduzetničkog načina razmišljanja u okviru obrazovanja za odrasle"
Toolkit "Adventure room methodology in adult education for entrepreneurship
Knjiga alata "Metodologija avanturističke sobe u obrazovanju odraslih za poduzetništvo"
Guidebook with Curriculum "Using creative methods for development of innovation and creativity skills for entrepreneurship of adults with low basic skills"
Vodič s kurikulumom "Korištenje kreativnih metoda za razvoj inovativnih i kreativnih vještina za poduzetništvo odraslih s niskim osnovnim vještinama"