Media literacy in Croatia: short analysis (part 7)

Media literacy in Croatia: short analysis (part 7)

Interested to find out more about media literacy and its status in Croatian society? What are the policy documents and existing research that tackle this topic? If you are interested to find out more, then continue to read down below! We bring you a series of articles analyzing different documents and statistics on the national level! The analysis was created within the project “Media and information literacy for climate change and environmental topics” funded by Erasmus+ Programme. 

Welcome to Part 7 of our series “Media literacy in Croatia: short analysis”! In this last part of our analysis of media literacy in Croatia, we are presenting you the guidelines created within the project “Media education is important”, specifically dealing with the area of media literacy.  


Within the project ‘Media education is important’, implemented by GONG association, 7 other civil society associations, one public institution and two scientific-research institutions,  there were six sets of guidelines that were proposed as outcomes of the project for public policy development in the area of media literacy. 


The general aim of the project was strengthening capacities of civil society organisations for a more efficient dialogue with public administration, social partners as well as with academic and research institutions for shaping and implementing reforms around the topic of media literacy in the new age.


Guidelines were proposed for the following six areas: media literacy in elementary schools; media literacy in high schools; media literacy and civil education; media literacy in non-formal education; socio-emotional skills and media literacy; media literacy and media policy.


For the purpose of this analysis, we are going to mention guidelines for the area of media literacy and non-formal education.


In Croatia, it is mostly civil societies associations which implement non-formal learning projects and programs for children, youth and adults. Also, media literacy non-formal programs are mostly implemented by civil society organisations.


Based on the research done within the project ‘Media Literacy is important’ following guidelines were proposed: 

  • Create and establish the system of recognition and evaluation of non-formal learning programs in the area of media literacy
  • Ensure continuity of non-formal educational programs for media literacy to make them accessible to everyone regardless of age, sex, ethnic or class as well as health condition
  • Further develop and improve cooperation among civil society organisations and public sector around the topic of media literacy



If you are a youth worker, you can use these guidelines for advocacy purposes and to see how to improve your own practice. 




Part 1 dealing with Croatian laws can be found HERE. 

Part 2 dealing with ethical codes can be found HERE.  

Part 3 dealing with the National Youth Programme can be found HERE

Part 4 dealing with the formal educational curriculum can be found HERE

Part 5 dealing with already existing research results of media literacy can be found HERE.

Part 6 dealing with already existing research results of media literacy can be found HERE

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