- December 15, 2023
- 11:27 am
From 8 to 13 December 2023 we have held a content meeting within our project “Media and Information Literacy for climate change and environment”. During the four days, we have talked in details about outputs and content of the activities. The main focus was the research which will be implemented in three participating countries: Croatia, Estonia and Portugal in January and February 2024.
During the meeting, partners discussed methodology and questions asked, gave feedback to created questionnaire and had the time to develop it more further. Besides that, we have talked about the quality implementation of the desk research (analysis of policy documents) and what is the best approach to share examples of good practice. Following this important discussion, we have dived into the development of draft content for the toolkit for Youth Workers and Educators “Media and Information Literacy of Youth in Green Topics”. We discussed the topics which should be covered within the output of e-learning course for young people. The meting was also a good chance to also discuss the content of the local training courses for educators and trainers, but also to discuss the content of the local conferences, which will all happen at the same time and have hybrid component.
Besides sharing and planning the content of the activities, this meeting was a chance for partners to get to know each other better and discuss what is the best way to implement the activities in the quality way.
The project “Media and Information Literacy for Climate Change and Environmental Topics” gathered several experienced organisations from different fields in a Consortium, with the aim of raising capacities and providing practical tools for youth workers and youth, starting with research showing the real-time situation in three involved countries: Croatia, Estonia, and Portugal. The consortium of lead partners and associated partners is formed with different organisations coming from non-profit and profit organisations, youth centres, university and media centres.
If you want to see a glimpse of atmosphere from the Content meeting or you are interested to find out more about the project – be sure to watch the video here:
Also, don’t forget to follow the developments on our social media here:
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