We have opened the survey for young people aged 15 to 30 within our project “Media and Information Literacy for Climate Change and environmental topics”!
We are happy to announce that we have kicked off with the implementation of the research in the project “Media and Information Literacy for Climate Change and environmental topics” in three countries: Croatia, Estonia and Portugal.
This research aims to explore the relationships between youth and the media, with a special focus on green topics. The questionnaire contains questions about the youth’s perception of media, their usage of media, the technology used for media consumption, and the presence of green topics in the media. The questionnaire is anonymous, and it takes 10 minutes to complete it. We are looking for people aged 15 to 30 to fill in the survey.
And we need your help! Please help us fill in the survey and tell us your opinion about media literacy and green topics in your country!
Each country has its link to access the research and you can do it by clicking on the links below:
- Croatia questionnaire – https://www.1ka.si/CRO
- Portugal questionnaire – https://www.1ka.si/POR
- Estonia questionnaire – https://www.1ka.si/EST
Thanks for your help and we are looking forward to seeing the results!
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