Erasmus+ project: “Creativity and innovation in adult education for development of entrepreneurial mind-set of citizens with fewer opportunities

Project duration: 1.12.2020. – 31.3.2023.

Project reference: 2020-1-DE02-KA204-007475

Grant amount: 286.790,00 €

Donor: DE02 – Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa beim Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung




Unemployed citizens in our communities are the beneficiaries of our activities and their needs are directly influencing our needs, needs of partner organisations. Thus, after doing a short survey among beneficiaries, all partners agreed that they need to improve their adult education NFE activities with quality Entrepreneurial Learning (EL), in order to provide quality, attractive and effective activities for personal and professional development of citizens with fewer opportunities in their communities. This project will meet those needs and will provide more opportunities of networking and exchange among partners in organising and promoting entrepreneurial intelligence and entrepreneurship competences of citizens and we are producing outputs that will serve as a quality knowledge management material for education of current and future adult educators for efficient and effective empowerment and mentoring of unemployed citizens for entrepreneurial mind-set development. The proposal will enhance the existing adult education training models and curricula for entrepreneurship with the elements of creativity and entrepreneurial mind-set development.

The project is designed to create a quality – innovative training model for entrepreneurship adult education, covering the existing need for modernisation of Entrepreneurial Learning, as well as the needed innovative and creative learning tools to support a quality adult education. This project will enable further empowerment of citizens in our communities for personal, social and cognitive aspects of entrepreneurial intelligence, as well as for creativity in entrepreneurship. As the competences of creativity and innovation (for entrepreneurship) are the most important and difficult to develop, we believe that it is needed to approach it creatively and innovatively. Thus, we are exploring the methodology of Adventure Rooms for development of creativity and innovation in entrepreneurship adult education. This connection of Adventure rooms methodology and education is fully innovative and has not been explored yet. This project builds up on our previous experience with the aspect of entrepreneurial intelligence, mind-set and creativity competences, as a new level of adult learning for self-employment and entrepreneurship.

Project Objectives

Objective #1

Objective #1

Empower unemployed citizens (with lower basic skills for entrepreneurship) in entrepreneurial intelligence and mind-set development (including intrapersonal and interpersonal social-emotional and creativity competences).



Objective #2

Objective #2

Empower our adult educators and improve knowledge management of adult education institutions and organisations in theory and practice for building competences of adult educators in entrepreneurial mind-set and creativity in entrepreneurship development of citizens.

Objective #3

Objective #3

Exchange good practices and further develop quality strategic partnership among partners from 4 European countries with different realities in regards to citizens’ self-employment and entrepreneurship.



Direct participants / beneficiaries of our project

Staff / project managers and assistants

Teachers/trainers/ researchers and technicians working on the intellectual outputs

Adult educators, participants at the LTTA

Multipliers - adult educators that will test the outputs with at least 120 citizens (with fewer opportunities) on local level

Participants of the multiplier events

Project activities

  • A1 Project Management

  • M1 Kick-off meeting

  • O1 Handbook “Entrepreneurial Mind-set development within adult education”

  • M2 Second meeting

  • O2 Guidebook with Curriculum “Using creative methods for development of innovation and creativity skills for entrepreneurship of adults with low basic skills”

  • M3 Third meeting

  • O3 E-learning course “Entrepreneurial mind-set development for adults with low basic skills”

  • M4 Fourth meeting

  • O4 Toolkit “Adventure room methodology in adult education for entrepreneurship”

  • M5 Fifth meeting

  • C1 LTTA “Training of trainers for adult education for creativity in entrepreneurship of citizens with fewer opportunities”

  • E1, E2, E3, E4 – Open conferences in RS, SE, HR, DE

  • 6 – Evaluation meeting

Project results

Handbook “Entrepreneurial Mind-set development within adult education”
You can access the resource by clicking on the button down below.
Click Here
Guidebook with Curriculum “Using creative methods for development of innovation and creativity skills for entrepreneurship of adults with low basic skills”
You can access the resource by clicking on the button down below.
Click Here
Toolkit “Adventure room methodology in adult education for entrepreneurship”
You can access the resource by clicking on the button down below.
Click Here

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.


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